Monday Motivation.
Today I'm writing about why I do this. Why does it help me to put all of my numbers, pictures, battles, and victories out here for everyone to see. Easy...
I want to help others.
I was a teacher before I had for one year after college.............................................................
The need to help others is something that every good teacher is born with. You just WANT to see someone grow and learn. Whether they're learning the ABC's or how to go from post baby body to jiggle jogger to marathon runner it's a HUGE motivation for me to be better. When I was teaching 3rd grade and the story line we were working on clicked or my preschoolers started to understand and controll their emotions after weeks of working on it...that feeling is incredibly motivating to me. It makes me want to work harder to be a better teacher...find new ways to reach them and encourage their learning and growth.
I have that exact same feeling when people from all over the United States are e-mailing and facebooking me about my weight loss, running, or being a mom of 3 crazy children under 4 years old. I don't claim to be an expert in the science behind weight loss but I know what's worked for me...what's motivated me...and I am happy to share my experience with anyone that wants to read it....Knowing that someone gets up at 6 a.m. to run for the first time in 2 years because I motivated them means the world to me. Hearing about another mom that has struggled with weight loss since her first babe was born starting to get active because of something I posted...makes my day. We should all be encouraging and motivating each other....women should inspire women!! (sorry male readers...the 4 of you I know of inspire me too!)
The other day I read this blog post, The Tale of Two Moms , and cried my eyes out. It could also be that my baby just turned 6 months old and my sweet middle baby is turning 2 tomorrow and my big baby is almost 4 and I only have one more summer with him before he goes to school.....................................I'm not crazy. I swear.
Anyways...that post hit the nail on the head. Find someone that motivates you and work together. Not just on fitness but in life. Work together to be better moms and wives, better at organizing your house, better at gardening, better at whatever it is but work together and help each other.
I'm part of a wonderful group on facebook with some pretty badass women...We are all working on being more fit and are all at different stages of our journeys...Some are seasoned marathon runners and tri-athletes ( that's a thing right???) others are just starting a couch to 5k program...These women are amazinly encouraging no matter what my questions or struggles are...They celebrate my victories and encourage me to work through my fears.
I have different friends that motivate me in all areas of my life...some are my motivation to be a better mom and wife, some encourage me to be a better Christian, the skinny hookers you can read about HERE motivate me to be more fit and active with my kids, others encourage life saving wine nights and shenanigans.... I have some AWESOME women in my life. Without them I would most likely be locked in a padded room by now.
So why does my blog motivate me? Because it motivates others. And it fits perfectly into my belief that women should be helping women to stand up and scream and shout...and let it out...(yes I talk in lyrics) that we are AMAZING, CONFIDANT, INSPIRING, AND DRIVEN. We are awesome. You can do anything you set your mind to...whether it's to lose weight, get organized, fold your laundry that has been sitting for 2 weeks, or make dinner for the first time in a month........................................ok so thats what my list is..... YOU CAN DO IT. I CAN DO IT.
Now I'm going grocery shopping.....
In honor of my Max Man turning 2 tomorrow here is a little Monday Motivation Max Man Style.
Left if July 2011, Right is July 2013
Man that kid is FREAKIN ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Monday!