Monday, July 29, 2013

Monday Motivation...Women Helping Women

Monday Motivation.

Today I'm writing about why I do this.  Why does it help me to put all of my numbers, pictures, battles, and victories out here for everyone to see.  Easy...

I want to help others. 

I was a teacher before I had for one year after college.............................................................

The need to help others is something that every good teacher is born with.  You just WANT to see someone grow and learn.  Whether they're learning the ABC's or how to go from post baby body to jiggle jogger to marathon runner it's a HUGE motivation for me to be better.  When I was teaching 3rd grade and the story line we were working on clicked or my preschoolers started to understand and controll their emotions after weeks of working on it...that feeling is incredibly motivating to me.  It makes me want to work harder to be a better teacher...find new ways to reach them and encourage their learning and growth.  

I have that exact same feeling when people from all over the United States are e-mailing and facebooking me about my weight loss, running, or being a mom of 3 crazy children under 4 years old.  I don't claim to be an expert in the science behind weight loss but I know what's worked for me...what's motivated me...and I am happy to share my experience with anyone that wants to read it....Knowing that someone gets up at 6 a.m. to run for the first time in 2 years because I motivated them means the world to me.  Hearing about another mom that has struggled with weight loss since her first babe was born starting to get active because of something I posted...makes my day.  We should all be encouraging and motivating each other....women should inspire women!! (sorry male readers...the 4 of you I know of inspire me too!) 

The other day I read this blog post,  The Tale of Two Moms , and cried my eyes out.  It could also be that my baby just turned 6 months old and my sweet middle baby is turning 2 tomorrow and my big baby is almost 4 and I only have one more summer with him before he goes to school.....................................I'm not crazy. I swear. 

Anyways...that post hit the nail on the head.  Find someone that motivates you and work together.  Not just on fitness but in life.  Work together to be better moms and wives, better at organizing your house, better at gardening, better at whatever it is but work together and help each other. 

I'm part of a wonderful group on facebook with some pretty badass women...We are all working on being more fit and are all at different stages of our journeys...Some are seasoned marathon runners and tri-athletes ( that's a thing right???) others are just starting a couch to 5k program...These women are amazinly encouraging no matter what my questions or struggles are...They celebrate my victories and encourage me to work through my fears.

I have different friends that motivate me in all areas of my life...some are my motivation to be a better mom and wife, some encourage me to be a better Christian, the skinny hookers you can read about HERE motivate me to be more fit and active with my kids, others encourage life saving wine nights and shenanigans.... I have some AWESOME women in my life.  Without them I would most likely be locked in a padded room by now. 

So why does my blog motivate me? Because it motivates others. And it fits perfectly into my belief that women should be helping women to stand up and scream and shout...and let it out...(yes I talk in lyrics) that we are AMAZING, CONFIDANT, INSPIRING, AND DRIVEN.  We are awesome. You can do anything you set your mind to...whether it's to lose weight, get organized, fold your laundry that has been sitting for 2 weeks, or make dinner for the first time in a month........................................ok so thats what my list is..... YOU CAN DO IT. I CAN DO IT.

Now I'm going grocery shopping.....

In honor of my Max Man turning 2 tomorrow here is a little Monday Motivation Max Man Style. 

Left if July 2011, Right is July 2013
Man that kid is FREAKIN ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Monday!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Measuring In

No. I'm not weighing in. I'm Measuring In.

I do not feel the scale accurately defines the:

1. Amount of work I've put in to getting fit.
2. My fitness level
3. My hotness.

I do weigh myself but not in after every meal, glass of water, or before and after each poop kind of way....Don't lie...You know you've done it.

I used to be the crazy lady stepping on the scale 125,987 times a day.  But now I just get get on once a the morning....before I shower....after I pee....and have no clothes on...hey...those ounces count people.

Before I share my digits I want to stress how AMAZING I feel compared to the last time I put it all out there. I don't know if there are words to describe it....but I can:

1. Run a 9:55 min/mile
2. Play with my kids the balls hot
3. I have so so so so much more energy.

And the biggest accomplishment.................drum roll...................................I kicked my addiction to twizzlers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! These bad boys were the DEATH OF MY HOTNESSSSS!!!!!!!!!

We went to the beach last weekend and there was a whole bag of them just sitting next to me and I had 2! 3 months ago I would have cashed that bag and blamed Zack.

Now the moment I know you all are dying for......

Measuring In:

April 2013
192 pounds
Waist: 40 inches
Hips: 46 inches
Thigh: 25 inches

Running a 13 minute mile and only able to run 1 mile at a time and running 2 times a week
Spinning 2 times a week

July 2013
184 pounds
Waist: 39 inches
Hips: 45 inches
Thigh: 24 inches

That's down 3 inches!!! WOOOOP WOOOOOOP!!
Running 10-11 minute miles and 3 miles at a time 3-4 times a week.
Spinning 2 times a week.
Just kicking ass in general.

Zack REALLY wanted to show off his moves.

Don't mind the pasty white stomach...that bad boy hasn't seen sunlight since 1995..When I was in 5th grade...and HAD to wear world's most HORRENDOUS Tweety Bird "bikini"..dumb.

So there you have it folks....I'm kicking ass..and taking names... Remember... I know don't know beans about the technical ins and outs of how to lose weight.  I went to school to be a teacher...I know how to educate kids and I am DAMN good at that.  When it comes to fitness...I know I am changing my life. Do I still eat ice cream with my kids? Hell yes I do....I just don't get a large blizzard with EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA....and if that skinny Dairy Queen girl messed that up your friggin right I had her add some more!! Now I just get a mini blizzard...with one extra butterfingers. :) Sure would I be losing weight faster if I didn't and just had some water and cucumbers instead...yes...but I guarantee I would be found in my pantry housing a box of cookies later that night!!!

My hubby has joined the fitness fun....he gets ALL KINDS OF COMPLIMENTS EVERYWHERE WE GO because he "looks so good!" is the "incredibly shrinking man"...what the fuck is that shit?! All he's done is follow in my footsteps? How come he can eat healthy for a month and drop 20 pounds?! 

NOT FAIR. The babies destroyed MY body and came out of MY vagina. And HE'S the incredibly shrinking man!??!?! Damn hubby. 

What I'm doing is working for me....and I love every second of it.

Monday, July 15, 2013

My Story...Babies and Twizzlers...The Death of My Hotness.

I’ve battled my weight my whole life.  I was never skinny.  There was only a BRIEF time in my life that I could actually go to the store and try on jeans without wanting to hack off my saddle bags.  That time was when I was getting married…I was HOT.  That’s how I hooked the hubby. Weighing in at my smallest I can remember…166 lbs.  This was a happy, healthy weight for me.  I liked how I looked and felt and could go jean shopping without having to mentally prepare for weeks.
July 5, 2008 aka happiest day of my LIFE. 166 pounds.

Fast forward 6 months…I found out I was pregnant with our first VERY unexpected babe.  Apparently I missed the part in health class, no i don’t know what causes pregnancy, and no it was not a shotgun wedding…do your math your math………………………..
31 weeks pregnant with baby number 1 weighing in at a solid 200 pounds. (July 2009)

I remember my last appointment with my midwife and stepping on the scale and seeing 222.  That’s TWO HUNDRED AND TWENTY TWO POUNDS.  A few days later I went into labor and birthed a sweet 8 pound 2 ounce baby boy.  I could have sworn he was going to be at LEAST 26 pounds……………………….apparently I shouldn’t have ate ice cream and chocolate milk by the gallon.  I had heartburn………and no will power. 
When Zack was 8 months old (yes I felt like watching TLC and HGTV all day was more important than my appearance for 8 MONTHS) I decided to start working out.  And by working out I mean going for walks.  I was breast feeding but I’m not one of the lucky ones that can consume mass amounts of calories and not gain a pound. But at the time I didnt know that…I had just heard that when you’re breast feeding you can eat whatever you want (yes because that went SO WELL while i was pregnant).  However I knew we wanted another babe soon so I wasn’t going to invest to much effort into losing the extra lbs.  And when Zack was 14 months old we found out we were expecting our second PLANNED babe!
37 weeks preggalicious with baby number 2 (July 2011)

I didn’t gain as much weight this time around….BUT I hadn’t lost all the weight from the first time…and by all the weight I mean 30 pounds.  The food of choice this time was purple skittles.  I would have my hubby stop at the gas station on the way home from work and get me a bag….and not the regular sized bag…not the kind sized bag…the bag that says there are 5 servings in it and I would eat each and every one of those colorful morsels.  This was a nightly routine. NIGHTLY. 40 weeks and another 45 pounds later I gave birth to a sweet little 8 pound baby boy. WHAT?!?! He wasn’t 26 pounds either!?!??! Eff.
So let’s do some math i weighed 166 when I found out I was pregnant with number 1, and weighed 222 a few days before delivery..That’s a gain of 56 pounds with baby number 1.
With baby number 2 I started at 196 pounds and weighted in at 225 TWO WEEKS before I actually had him…………Though he was born at the end of July and at LEAST 20 pounds of that was WATER right!?!? Realistically I guestimate I gained 40 pounds this time around.
Ok. So we’ve had two ADORABLE little boys in the last 21/2 years….We knew we wanted more kids but were going to wait for a good long while. Like 3 years at least. 

So when Max was 6 weeks old it was time for me to get moving! Get in shape! Be a HOT MOMMY…When Zack was a babe I had started a playgroup that met every Monday morning.  We were a group of friends that were all in a very similar stage of life.  We all had kids 3 years old or under and we were all just trying to get through the days without cashing  a bottle of wine before our husbands got home. So one day…we all weighed in for all to see.  I was the ONLY one tipping the scales over 200 lbs. 205 to be exact. 
Apparently those purple skittles weren’t just going to “fall off while I was nursing”.  Eff.
Lucky for me our little no stop light town had just opened a fitness center.  So I joined and was consistently going 2-3 times a week.  THANK THE GOOD LORD it was mostly old people in there with me because I was a HOT MESS!! The sweating, the  the burping while jiggle jogging (Jiggle Jog: Verb: To jog at a pace fast enough that something is jiggling)…HOT MESS.
After a month or so of jiggle jogging 5 pounds off.. and being able to keep a 11.20 mile I felt like I could move out of the comfort of the geriatric wellness center….I started Jiggle Jogging with my skinny friends who were seasoned runners.  My goal was always just to not lose site of them.  I could be 2 blocks behind but if I could still see those hookers that weighted 80 pounds less than me I was doing good.  Even if being able to see them meant they were stopped at a stop sign waiting for me to get closer before taking off like gazelles again.  Sometimes I kept up…sometimes I didn’t.  But I never stopped.  I would walk some. I would want to puke.  But at the end of a run I would feel so ready to take on the day with my crazy, busy little men.
This is when I knew I was hooked.  I kept seeing the scale go down.  I started to not hate what I saw in the mirror.  I was able to keep up with the skinny hookers more often…well not keep up with them but almost always be able to see them…I decided I was ready for my first 5k.  My two goals were to no walk and finish under 40 minutes.  I am proud to say I didn’t walk, but I did keep pace with a 80 year old woman…seriously…and finished at 39 minutes 24 seconds.  My wonderful hubby jiggle jogged with me and I swear he slapped my ass AT LEAST 15 times.  He’s such a lover. I was pretty proud of my 200 pound self for finishing and meeting my goals.  But it was time to get serious about getting fit.
October 2011 200lbs

A few months later we booked our first vacation EVER… VEGAS BABY!! I got serious about running.  I would run a mile every day.  Not far but far enough and the scale was still going down! I was eating pretty well….but I was still nursing.  Which in Sarah world means SLOW weight loss. But I kept at it. 
March 2011- 195 lbs First time wearing jeans in public since Max was born…on a balls hot day trip to the zoo…fellow fatties I know you feel my pain…

In VEGAS weighing in at 190 lbs the day before we left (April 24, 2011)  I had stopped nursing 3 months before we left…………………….wait I thought I was suppose to deflate as soon as I stopped………It couldn’t have been the twizzlers I was eating every night…no way.

When we got back from that trip I was thinking I had 2 months to whip it into shape for the summer………….a mere 3 weeks later…

Yes I’m in the car. No I did not pee on the side of the road. I was taking the evidence to my friend so she could see for herself that i’m Fertile Mertile. And yes….this makes 3 kids in 3 1/2 years. 
This picture I’m pretty proud of. I’m 8 weeks pregnant and weigh in at 188 lbs.  The first few months of pregnancy are rough for me so I usually lose a few pounds. Does’t really help me not gain later because as soon as I can keep food down I hoover it. (June 2012)

But then……..

January 2013-9 months pregnant. I was tipping the scales at a solid 240…oh yeah… I delivered 2 days later. At home. But that’s another post. 
This sweet little boy was a honkin 9 pounds 6 ounces..Birthing his large, posterior (hence the bruised face) self at our home with my midwife, hubby, and bff with me was the best experience of my life.  Again…a whole other story that I will post soon.
This is not where my weight loss journey begins….but where my battle with my weight ends. 
I chose to start putting all of this out there for everyone to see for a few reasons. 
1. If I’m going to bust ass to get fit I want to see how far I’ve come and all of my accomplishments, failures, battles, and victories.I want to be able to look back and feel every moment over again.  This battle I’ve been fighting my whole life will only change if I FEEL it.
2. For the first time in my life I FEEL like i’m doing this.  I’m really making the life changes and REALLY making progress.
3. Let’s be real..I’m really going to think twice about eating those twizzlers if I am throwing up my digits for all to see.

Catching up on MY VERY OWN BLOG!!

AH I'm so excited! I love my new blog design!

I've been MIA because I've been waiting for this to get up and running....then I had volleyball camp last week....and a crazy busy week during the 4th...and the list goes on...

Just FYI...
I copied and pasted most of my posts from my tumblr page below. I'm going to close that page as of about 10 minutes from now and only be posting follow along!

Since I've been gone....................................

Ran my first 5k with the Max Man in 34.42!

Celebrated our 5 year wedding anniversary
I love him.

Went to the Fair and didn't consume ONE SINGLE OUNCE of fried goodness.

Realized how big of a difference pushing the Max Man really makes.......................He's a tank.

And I feel like a million bucks. I can't tell you how amazing I feel.  So you ask...well how much weight have you lost since you weighed in last? 8 pounds...yep...that's it.  8 pounds....But I am in such better shape! I'm stronger, faster, feel better, get a TON of compliments, and really feel like I can so much more!

Later this week I will post new measurments and pictures.  I also signed up for a half marathon on September 22nd...yeah...I did.  

Lots of excitement coming up! Thanks for reading and being so encouraging.  You all say I inspire you....but when I hear of women that haven't worked out since before their first baby, or since college, or EVER tell me they went out and got a good sweat session in because of ME!?! I'm so motivated to keep moving because you CAN do this no matter where you're starting!

Remember....5 months ago...I was eating twizzlers by the bag and jiggle jogging a 15:30 minute mile.  

This weekend I had a whole bag of twizzlers in front of me and I ate 2 and ran 3 miles pushing a stroller with an 11 min/mile pace.  

Let's do this. 

Monday Motivation

Happy Monday!!!!
Last week was CRAZY busy and this week is going to be even crazier!! In our little town it’s the fair which means a parade, rides for the littles, horrible food choices……..On the 3rd is our annual fireworks party which means horrible food choices…………..and on the 5th is our 5 year wedding anniversary…which means…………………………….horrible food choices.  SO. That being said……My goal this week is to make the best of the horrible food choices I have. 
Fair Food: NO DICE. No fair food will be consumed by this mama. PERIOD.
Fireworks Party: It’s at our house so I’m going to make some healthy food for me and I’m not sharing. I kid. I may share with some of the skinny bitches that will be in attendance. Or they will just stuff their skinny faces with all the delicious food while I sit and visualize punching them in the face. It could go either way.
5 Year Anniversary: Since the babe is still attached to me every few hours we won’t be going away for our 5 year like we planned………………………………………. So in the past Hubby takes me to a really nice dinner and then we go walk around the booming city of Ann Arbor and just relax.   Good food choices, Good food choices……
In the workout department I’m doing really good.  Last night I did my longest run with the Max Man so far and even had a decent time.  
Thursday is the Firecracker 5K in Ann Arbor and I’m running it with Max so I’m trying to get ready and set a realistic goal.  I think I can do it under 35 minutes easy.  We shall see. Do I get all ballsy and try and beat my last race time of 33.34??? EH. It’s a holiday. But I’m super competitive. It’s my first race with him so it should be fun….and by fun I mean a lot friggin harder but I’m pretty excited to have his crazy self with me. He will be all decked out in Chicago Cubs attire…I mean Red, White, and Blue.  He’ll have a flag that I’m hoping doesn’t end up in my eye…and our stroller will be sporting some festiveness as well.
Over the weekend we went on our own mini vacation and I:
1. Didn’t “work out" but camping with 3 kids under 4 was about as much of a work out as I could handle.  
 NOTE: Camping in my dictionary means a cabin with a              bathroom and kitchen.
2. Ate like CRAP. I brought grilled chicken and we cooked it…but I ate it with a side of Red Vines and smores.  Awesome.
3. Felt like the titanic when we got home yesterday and am SO GLAD I went for a run.  I felt much better….less sinking Titanic…More floating Titanic. 
4. Am back at it today. 
MONDAY MOTIVATION!!! Here you go.Those jeans…I wore 4 years ago when I was teaching….before babies…HOOOOOOLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Max is such a helper.

Monday Motivation on Tuesday

I’m never on time. I blame the crazies.
We had a fun weekend. Friends, heat, cookouts, and I worked out on Sunday…I know…day of rest…but I skipped Saturday so I had to get it in somewhere.  
Here’s my workout calendar so far this month…
Tonight I’m either going to spin class or for a distance run….meaning 3 or more miles.  I know…BIG DISTANCE.but when 3 months ago I could barely waddle a mile…I’m doing good. 
This heat is BRUTAL to run in but I think I’m getting used to it.  On Sunday I ran Emerald Glenn which a loop that’s close to my house.  I like running it in case the babe and the hubby aren’t enjoying their quality time…I can come home quickly. It was 87 degrees and so beyond humid.  I got to the start of the road and started my music and my map my run and just went.  I had no goal in mind which is SO unusual for my incredibly Type A personality…I just wanted to finish without walking because it was so wicked hot.  Once I got into the beat of the music I really didn’t think about anything.  My usual train of thought includes wondering how long it would take for someone to find me if I passed out on the side of the road, what Max would terrorize in that time, and how much farther I have to run to justify going to Dairy Queen when I get home…
I rocked out to some legit toons all the way up the hill of death…around the top of the subdivision and back down…as I was coming up to the last quarter mile where i TRY and sprint which is probably your average person’s jog (thank you genetics and my wicked short legs). the song that was playing was not the usual one I hear at the end but I changed one song on my playlist so I wasn’t really sure where I should be.  I hit stop on my map my run as soon as I crossed the stop sign then hang over the stroller DYING.  If anyone would have driven by they would have called 911 for sure. 
I start walking home which is just a half a block away and checked my phone to see how I did.  
WHAT?!?!??! That’s a 10:49 min/mile while pushing Max??? In 90 degree heat??? That’s 30 seconds faster than the last time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy shitoli! 
This cute little man is such a good running buddy. 
So there it is…You Monday Motivation. Get your ass out there and do it.  Who cares if you jiggle jog a 15.30 min/mile your first time out and then go house a bag of twizzlers because EFF IT! I’m to fat to lose weight…………………………………………………………………………..
Just start. Everyone starts somewhere.  And if you start today you’re farther ahead than if you wait until tomorrow!
My super motivational husband started noticing my progress. I was cutting watermelon Saturday and he comes up behind me and says wow babe…you look good.  I give him the eye roll like dude…I’m cutting watermelon and ALL the kids are up…. and he says…and I QUOTE “no really! You’re legs don’t touch as much as they used to." 
I had no words. 
What’s coming up? 
July 4th I’m running a 5k in Ann Arbor with the Max Man! We’ll be all decked out in red, white, and blue.  It will be my first race pushing his buns so I’m going to start changing my running patterns.
In July my goal is to cut the shitty sugary foods 100%.  No twizzlers..which I haven’t had more than one in a day since I traveled a few weeks ago…that day I ate a whole bag….WINNING.
I’ve been seriously considering clean eating which why the hell not?! It’s how we should all eat anyways. My biggest hang up? I don’t cook. So what we do eat I’m really good at “cooking". So this would mean totally changing how we eat as a family…scary. But necessary. So as soon as I put it out there that my goal is to eat clean in July………………………………………………………… It has to happen.
It’s not out there yet…..
Also in July I’m changing how I run…I’m not 100% sure how yet but on August 3rd the town I live in has a 5k and I’ve been running this town for MONTHS and I’ll be damned if I’m not going to rock that bitch.
As always thanks for reading my exciting road to fitness! Now go move your body! 


Why am I posting this? Because thats a run…pushing the MAX man…through emerald glenn…in 90 degree heat…wicked humidity…and I beat my last time on this route by 30 seconds. What what what what what………….

I ran with MapMyRun! Distance: 1.37mi, time: 14:49, pace: 10:49min/mi, speed: 5.54mi/h.


It’s FRIDAY!!!!! Which in stay at home mom world means I still have to work tomorrow…………………………………………………. BUT my hubby usually makes me breakfast in bed…cleans the kitchen….helps with the crazies…I know. I have it rough.
Something new I’m dealing with is this friggin heat and humidity.  I’m a anything over 75 degrees and my air conditioner is on kind of girl.  And then I like to find indoor fun things to do with the goons because I sweat. A LOT. 
But this year with my new found fitness I don’t mind being outside as much even though its BALLS ASS hot.  The good things about this is I am TAN and my kids are super tan and went from dark haired boys to blondies.  Well the Max Man looks like a calico cat.  
So if i’m not moving or just refereeing my kids it’s not to bad….BUT when I start running the humidity KILLS me.  So I knew today’s run was going to be even harder than Wednesdays because it’s hotter…and humider…I mean more humid.  Yeah. I was a teacher.
My hubby and our littlest haven’t been seeing eye to eye lately.  So I took him with me for my run today…
He was not nearly as entertaining as the Max Man…But he was super cute to look at and he found my singing funny.  Yes.  I sing when I run.  
So I ran my usual loop.  It’s 1.3 mile run then .5 mile up hill walk and .1.3 mile run.  
It was the same story as Wednesday…Great start. HORRIBLE finish. I walked…again…UGHHHHHHHH 
So as I’m running I’m thinking…Come on…I just started to feel like a runner….not a jiggle jogger…I can’t go back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Unhook the friggin plow and get moving.  NO WALKING. If you wouldn’t have ate that brownie yesterday you would be MUCH faster. WHY does it feel like i’m running in chocolate….EASY…there’s no chocolate here…
So when I got home I asked one of my skinny hooker runner friends about running in the heat/humidity and she sent me this little gem.

I felt much better. 
Even though I was still sweating like a whore in church 45 minutes after I was done. And thank the Big Guy that it was nap time because I was pretty much useless after that.  
Tomorrow…SPIN CLASS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I haven’t been there in over a week!!!!! And then hubby and I are spending our weekend catching up on projects.  SO FUN with 3 kids under 3 1/2. SO FUN. I’m hoping the sprinkler and kiddie pool will keep them entertained!! 

Monday Motivation

What a whirlwind of a weekend. 
6 hour car ride to get to my sister’s where we spent the majority of our time scouting picture places, the church, the reception hall, making trial centerpieces, and FINIALLY dress shopping and she FOUND her dress and she looks fan-tabulous.
Throw into all that excitement a birthday party for my adroable little niece and a few thunderstorms………………….not a whole lot of working out happened. 
Friday night I went for a run/walk with my older brother and sister……….aka Sasquatch and Bigger Sasquatch. So their walk was a jog for me……
HOW is this fair………………………………………………………………………..
BUT I did a sprint race with the Bigger Sasquatch and I knew he would beat me…..but my goal was not by more than 1/2 a block. He only won by 5 seconds!!! HOLLLAAA. If I had 5 feet long legs I would have been faster too……………………………………….
Huber sisiters 5K was canceled due to pouring rain.
Then it was birthday party and wedding planning the rest of the weekend. 
I ate some cake….and by some I mean way the eff to much. 
I had some adult beverages….and by some I mean way the eff to few. 
But now…IT"S MONDAY and time to look over last week’s workouts and see how I did and what I want to change for this week. 
What do I see?
1. 1 Spin Class…..NO BUENO.
2. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Abs and Squats….what happened to the rest of the week? My abs and hocks need more work than 3 days……………………………………………………………………..
3. I need another run Wednesday.
4. I rocked that 3.7 miler. 
5. The two runs I did were fantastic!!
6. No bad for a week with a teething baby and sick toddler. 
This weeks goals
1. Run 4 days
2. Spin 2 days
     ****THIS MEANS SATURDAY AND A 5:45 A.M. because they cancled the Tuesday/Thursday classes I was doing for the summer………..***
3. abs and squats ERRRR DAYYYY!!!
And I thought I’d share this little gem of an app my sister showed me…It’s called Nike Trainer…
It’s amazing. You can pick a bunch of different workouts based on muscle group, strength, cardio, etc…It’s awesome. And then plays through your music! LOVE IT. So if you see some of this excitement going on in our backyard…dont be alarmed. 
Set some goals and get moving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!