That's what it will be like when we are standing on the start line tomorrow.
Why don't you just wait until another weekend and do a different race?
Because that's NOT what running is about. It's not about quitting when it gets tough. It's not about slowing down when your brain tells you to. It's about pushing your limits. Not just stepping outside of your comfort zone but JUMPING OFF THE DAMN BRIDGE into a world of unknown challenges.
This spring training cycle has been tough. REALLY tough. The weather being Enemy Number 1. First there was snow. Then there was ice. Then there was more snow. Then there was never ending cold. Then it got nice for 5 minutes. Then the ice returned with a coat of snow on top. Then the cold lingered for another month before ALL THE HEAT AND HUMIDITY came like a freight train. But we ran through it. We ran when it was cold, dark, and raining. We skated over ice, hopped over snow banks, dodged thunderstorms, and faced ridiculous head winds that never seemed to shift to our back. We went from sweating through our shirts on our Tuesday run to wearing gloves on our Friday run. It.was.never.ending.
Now here we sit...the day before the big race...4 months of HARD training under our feet and guess what.....the weather is going to by my absolute LEAST FAVORITE thing to run in. Cold.Wind.Rain.
But no matter what...quitting is not an option. Running is something I love. It has changed my life...not just physically but what's on the inside...and you don't quit things you love. Even when it gets harder than hard. You put your head down and push through it.
There have been a million times in the last few months I've had to remind myself why I do this...WHY do I run.
Why do I run? To be an example for my show them you NEVER quit something you started no matter how hard it find something you are passionate about and follow it...and you never, ever give up on yourself. I don't just want to TELL them these things...I want to SHOW them. Zack has started to see what it means to work hard...he wants to be an American Ninja Warrior and he says things like, "When you get to the finish line I will be so proud of you like you are when I do my obstacle course at your gym." and "I'm not going to cry like you do when your proud of me but I'll give you a high five and you'll know that means I'm proud of you mom."

They will be there tomorrow at the halfway mark and the finish line and both times I'm going to need to see their mugs...see the excitement in their faces...soak up every ounce of their energy as I pass by and remember THEY are why I do this.
So bring on the rain, wind, and 50 degrees. We have faced a lot worse on the road and off....and we will not be stopped.