1. Almost died from my body completely revolting against me. Burning hot fever. Horrendous things being expelled from my body. Crying for my mom. It.was.horrible. This excitement happened Saturday and today is the first day I've ate real food. Yuck.
2. Read the entire Divergent Book Series. Yeah...All 3 books. NOT because I sit around all day and read while my children play...but because I stay up untill 2 a.m. because I JUST CAN'T PUT IT DOWN.....and then wake up at 4:45 for spin class. Yeah...wonder why my body revolted..................................
ANYWAYS...I'm not going to spoil the end for anyone that hasn't read it but if you don't want to know ANYTHING about it stop reading now. FAIR WARNING>>>>>>>>>>>ok. I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE how it ended. HATE IT. I may have cried. It may have been 2:30 in the morning. And then I may have not slept the rest of the night because I was so upset.
Yes I have a hard time separating fiction from reality.
Yes I am fully aware of this problem.
Yes I have a total little girl crush on Four.
Yes my hubs is fully aware of said crush.
UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I still want to cry....WHY??!??! WHY END THE SERIES WITH THAT!?!??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok...moving on.
3. I ate really well!! I would say about 80% clean, good food and 20% was still good choices just not "clean." Like the English muffin I have every morning with peanut butter and bananas cut up on top...mmmmmmmmmmm.
4. I was just getting into a really good rhythm of strength training, spinning, and running before my body took a dump.......................................... (insert drums they play after a funny joke here.) Saturday was my body revolting day, Sunday I was still to tired to lift my arms, Monday I was still getting breathless walking up the stairs................................Today I finally got back out for a little run and it was HARRRRRRD.

5. The body revolt caused me to see a number on the scale that I'm quite sure I have NEVER EVER actually witnessed before. Now..............I'm completely realistic about this. It's not "weight loss"....it's not healthy.....It's all going to come back....It's not because of anything I did outside of the horrendous events of Saturday.
But with the body revolt I don't feel it's fair to post my progress this week....... But I have ate really well. I have been working out like a beast.
6. We spent a lot of time outside enjoying the fresh air and FINALLY some warm weather!!!!!!!!!!!
What's happening this week? No long run because I'm running The Big House 5k...It's a pretty freaking big deal to me because it's the first race I EVER EVER EVER ran back between baby 2 and baby 3. My first little taste of running and how amazing it feels to accomplish something I didn't think I could. It took me 39 minutes and 41 seconds to finish those 3.1 miles. This time around....................I'm going to do it in under 28 minutes.

Big House 5K September 2011. Post baby number 2
April 2014. Post baby number 3.
AHHHH! Your boys are adorable!
ReplyDeleteI also have a tiny crush on Four, which is totally inappropriate because I am OLD! I was so mad at the ending that I exchanged a bunch of angry Tweets with my reading twin.
Have fun with your 5K!